
Showing posts from May, 2021

Direct Balance Sheet Lending – How The Face Of Agriculture Finance Is Changing

 Finance is the lifeblood of every business on the planet. Agriculture is nothing different. Do you know that agriculture finance currently empowers hundreds of thousands of farmers as we speak? According to an independent study, farmers all across the world will be able to feed more than 9 billion people by the end of 2050. Industries are expanding across multiple spheres and this is why industrial real estate financing along  with multifamily financing options have become hugely popular. This post however focuses on agriculture financing and how direct balance sheet lending benefits farmers in the long haul. The global population is on the rise and this is why there is a very huge and drastic upsurge in the demand for agricultural produce. The changing dietary preferences of our present and future generations are also going to impact agriculture as a whole. According to the current estimates, demand for food is going to increase by more than 71% by the end of the year 2050...